dijous, 2 d’abril del 2020


Top 10 inventors:

Top 10 Inventors of all time, including some of their most important inventions. The particular order displayed in the video has nothing to do with their importance.

List of inventors:

10. Leonardo da Vinci: Painting, human anatomy and flying machines etc.
9. Nikola Tesla: Alternating current, electric motor and tesla coil
8. Thomas Edison: Light Bulb and phonograph
7. Karl Benz: First petrol powered car
6. Alexander Graham Bell: Telephone
5. Orville & Wilbur Wright: First powered airplane
4. Guglielmo Marconi: Radio
3. Joseph Niépce: Photography
2. Konrad Zuse: First programmable computer
1. John Logie Baird: First TV-system

Children are capable of looking at the world in a fresh new way that no adult could even dream of. Whereas most children’s ideas seem foolish and naive to us adults, there has actually been a time or two that they were on to something. Here we can  look at 10 things invented by younger people.

10. Frank Epperson - The Popsicle
9. Chester Greenwood – Earmuffs
8. Alissa Chavez - The Hot Seat
7. Ralph Samuelson - Water Walkie Talkie
6. Philo Farnsworth - All Electronic Television
7. George Nissen – Trampoline
6. Spencer Whale - KidCare Riding Car
5. Joseph A. Bombardier - Modern Snowmobile
4. George Nissen - Trampoline
3. Blaise Pascal – Calculator
2. Jack Andraka - Pancreatic Cancer Nanotubes Test
1. Louis Braille - The Braille Alphabet

divendres, 27 de març del 2020



I find out an interesting webquest about William Shakespeare.
This webquest is from a webpage called:


Find out the information about William Shakespeare and send me your answers.

You ONLY have to look and find out the information of ACTIVITY 1.

If you want to do more, let's try ACTIVITY 2, but it's NOT REQUIRED (that means that it's not necessary to do it)


These days, that we are at home, and the Book Day is coming,  we could read and watch the story of  wWlliam Shakespeare, a famous English writer.
He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England  in 1564.
When he was 14 or 15, he left school. He moved to London and there, at the beginning, he worked as an actor but he started writing plays too. He wrote poems when theatres were closed in 1593, during the plague, a very bad desease.

Those days, theatre was very different:

  1. women cannot act and feminin roles were played by young men, 
  2. the audience was standig up in front of the stage
  3. people shouted, clapped, booed and laughed while they watched the plays 
  4. ...

Shakespeare wrote comedies like "Midsummer  night's dream" and tragedies like "Machbeth"

We were watching some of his plays.

A tragedy: Macbeth

A comedy: A midsummer's night dream


William Shakespeare


  • Occupation: Playwright, actor and poet
  • Born: April 26, 1564 baptized in Stratford-upon-Avon, England (likely born on April 23rd)
  • Died: April 23, 1616 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England
  • Best known for: Writing plays such as Romeo and JulietHamlet, and Macbeth

William Shakespeare portrait

Early Life 

He was born in the English city of Stratford-upon-Avon about 100 miles northwest of London in 1564.
He grew up in Stratford-upon-Avon William with his big family on Henley Street. 
He went to the local grammar school where he learned about poetry, history, Greek, and Latin. 
When William turned eighteen, he married Anne Hathaway. They soon had a family including a daughter named Susanna and twins named Hamnet and Judith. 

London and the Lost Years 

After William and Anne had the twins, there are lots of theories and stories about what William was doing during this time. He and his family eventually ended up in London where William was working at the theatre. 

Lord Chamberlain's Men 

William was part of an acting company called Lord Chamberlain's Men. An acting company in England at this time worked together to put on plays. There were typically around ten actors in a company including a lead actor, character actors, and some comedians. Young boys typically played women's roles as women were not allowed to act. 

Early Plays 

Shakespeare wrote plays for the Lord Chamberlain's Men.
He worked as an actor as well. 
His plays became very popular in London and soon the Lord Chamberlain's Men were one of the most popular acting companies in the city. 
Some of Shakespeare's early plays include The Taming of the ShrewRichard IIIRomeo and Juliet, and A Midsummer Night's Dream

The Globe Theatre 

The Globe Theatre became the place to be in London.
It could have up to 3,000 spectators and had a uniquely designed stage with a painted ceiling, columns, and stage wall. They had specially trained musicians who made special effects noises during the plays. They even had a cannon that fired blanks. 

Later Plays 

Many of Shakespeare's greatest plays were written in the last half of his career. These includedHamletOthelloKing Lear, and Macbeth
His success in the theatre, as well as his investments in land and the Globe, made Shakespeare a wealthy man. 


Shakespeare also became famous for his poetry. His most famous poem of the time was Venus and Adonis. He also wrote poems called sonnets. A book of 154 of Shakespeare's sonnets was published in 1609. 


William retired to his home in Stratford and died on his fifty-second birthday. 


Shakespeare is considered by many to be the greatest writer of the English language. He is also one of the most influential. Through his works, he is credited with introducing nearly 3,000 words to the English language. In addition, his works are the second most often quoted after the Bible. 

Interesting Facts about William Shakespeare
  • He wrote 37 plays in his lifetime averaging about 1.5 plays per year he was writing. 
  • His plays were performed for both Queen Elizabeth I and King James I.
You can read more about his interesting life in theses webapges:



divendres, 20 de març del 2020

LIKE + Verb+ing

Resultat d'imatges de like + verb ing

When we use the verbs like, dislike, enjoy, love and hateREMEMBER that they are followed by an -ing verb. 

Resultat d'imatges de like + verb ing


If you are bored at home, if you don't know what to do...grab a pencil, a notebook or a white paper and draw your Manga Hero. In this ppt you can learn how to do it! Enjoy!!

And follow the steps:


You have worked in some important inventors or scientics. If you are curios, you can read about other important people like Mahatma Gandhi, Teresa of Calcuta...in this webpage:



I was thinking that this ppt will be a good help for you to study the past of regular and irregular verbs.

SIMPLEPAST TENSERegular and Irregular Verbs



With the presentation below you will find places and what people do there. Pay attention, the definitions are very interesting!!!
Click on the adress below!!

Places in a City
English Vocabulary


Comparatives and superlatives

A new trendy video about comparatives and superlatives. Learn having fun!!

And if you want to learn more how to use them, then it's very easy, click on this page:  http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-practice/comparatives-and-superlatives


Here you can find two easy ways to improve your English through games: